Liverlife - 4 OZ

Brand: BioRay
UPC: 705105395111

Herbal formula containing liver specific herbs, which help to cleanse the liver of toxic accumulations.

MSRP: $58.00
Wholesale: $36.00



Liverlife by Bioray

Deficiencies in any functions of the liver lead to a state of toxicity throughout the body. When the liver accumulates excessive toxins, atrophy, hardening, bacterial or parasitic infection or abscesses may occur.

LiverLife is a 100% herbal formula and contains "liver specific" herbs that help to cleanse the liver of toxic accumulations. LiverLife also helps protect and strengthen the liver. It is an exceptionally powerful and effective formula.


LiverLife™ contains; Himmematsutake (Agaricus blazei), red root (Jersey Tea), milk thistle (silymarin), olive leaf extract , coriolus versicolor, gandoderma lucidum (reishi), grifola (maitake.) Purified water and 20% alcohol as part of extraction. 3:1 concentrate.
