Traumeel Liquid - 10 Vials
Traumeel Liquid information
Traumeel Liquid PDF
Traumeel - 10 Vials by BHI HEEL
Injuries of all kinds (sports, accidents) such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, effusions of blood and effusions into a joint, fractures, etc; post-operative and post-traumatic edema and swelling of the soft tissues; inflammatory processes and degenerative processes associated with inflammation on the various organs and tissues, including, in particular, on the support and mobility apparatus (tendovaginitis, styloiditis, epicondylitis, bursitis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthrosis of the hip, knee and small joints); parodontitis, suppuration of the gingival pockets, paradentosis, commotio cerebri.
Belladonna 4X 75 mg; Arnica 3X 40 mg; Aconitum 3X 30 mg; Chamomilla 3X, Symphytum 8Xana 24 mg; Calendula 2X, Hamamelis 2X, Millefolium 3X, Hepar sulfuris 8X, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni 8X ana 15 mg; Hypericum 2X 8 mg; Bellis perennis 2X, Echinacea angustifolia 2X, Echinacea purpurea 2X ana 6 mg.
In general, 1 vial 1 to 3 times daily.
Form in which supplied and package size:
Vials: 10 vials 2.2 ml each.
Pharmacological and clinical notes
Constituents Indications
Arnica (Leopard's Bane) To stimulate the healing of wounds, fractures, dislocations, contusions, hematomas, myocardial weakness, neuralgia, myalgia, analgesic, hemostatic.
Calendula (calendula) Slowly healing wounds, promotes granulation, analgesic.
Hamamelis (witch-hazel) Venous stasis, varicose veins, (thrombo-)phlebitis, crural ulcers, hemorrhoids, venous hemorrhages, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
Millefolium (milfoil) Hemorrhages, especially precapillary arteriovenous (anastomosis) oozing hemorrhages.
Belladonna (deadly nightshade) Localized reaction phases, cerebral sensitivity with cramp and delirium.
Aconitum (monkshood) Fever with hot, dry skin, neuralgia, inflammatory rheumatism; improvement of the vasotonia: analgesic, hemostatic.
Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni(mixture containing essentially mercuroamidonitrate) Suppurations, abscesses, gingivitis, stomatitis, nasopharangeal catarrh, catarrh of the sinuses, cholangitis, shrinking action on edematous conditions.
Hepar sulfuris (calcium sulphide) Tendency to suppuration, especially on the skin and Iymph glands (furuncles, pyodermia, panaris, phlegmons), tonsillar abscesses, chalazions, hordeolums, hemicrania, urinary disorders, hypersensitivity to cold and draughts.
Chamomilla (chamomile) Anti-inflammatory; stimulates granulation, promotes healing in difficultly healing wounds and ulcers; fistulae, hemorrhoids, mastitis, intertrigo, aphthous stomatitis, conditions of restlessness and excitation, disorders of dentition, otitis media, glandular swellings.
Symphytum (comfrey) To accelerate callus formation in fractures; periostitis, causalgia, disorders arising from amputation stumps; contusions.
Bellis perennis (daisy) Dislocations, contusions, sensation of soreness in the abdominal wall/cavity, exudative processes, resorption of edema.
Echinacea angustifolia (narrow leaved cone flower) Increase in the mesenchymal defenses; inflammation of all kinds and locations, septic processes; hyaluronidase inhibiting, anti-inflammatory action.
Echinacea purpurea (purple cone flower) Activation of the histogenous and hematogenous defenses in inflammatory processes and general infections, fibroblast-stimulating effect.
Hypericum (St. John's wort) Neural and cerebral injuries, e.g. commotio cerebri; neural pains upon or after injuries; hemostatic.
Based on the individual homeopathic constituents of Traumeel, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of injuries, sprains and dislocations, contusions, effusions of blood and effusions into a joint, fractures, post operative and post-traumatic edema and swelling of the soft tissues; inflammatory degenerative processes and those associated with inflammation on various organs and tissues, particularly on the support and mobility apparatus (tendovaginitis, styloiditis, epicondylitis, bursitis, periarthritis humeroscapularis, arthrosis), damaged discs and other degenerative diseases of the vertebral column with the corresponding intervertebral disorders, commotio cerebri (in association with Vertigoheel).
Otitis media acuta et chronica (oral, parenteral as well as local instillation of the drops), sinusitis. Suppurative inflammation such as sudoriparous abscesses, furuncles, carbuncles, mastitis puerperalis. Paradontosis (parenteral, oral, local infiltration in the oral mucosa), fistular suppurations, crural ulcers (ointment, orally and/or parenterally), eczema, neurodermatitis, lichen ruber planus, intertrigo. In general to stimulate the sulphide enzymes, e.g. in therapeutical damage and in degenerative phases. As after-treatment after myocardial infarction (regulation of the prothrombin level).
The mechanism of action of Traumeel
arises from a combination effect (Burgi) of vegetable and inorganic chemical factors, which are characterized by the following properties:
1. Anti-inflammatory and antiviral action of mercurials.
2. Improvement of the vasotonia (Aconitum, Arnica), rendering the vessels impervious (action of calcium) Elimination of venous stasis and antithrombotic effect (Hamamelis) as well as hemostasis (Millefolium), together, with normalization of the prothrombin level.
3. Support and improvement of the cellular respiration and oxidation pro- cess by means of calcium sulphide and polysulphide (hepar sulfuris).
4. Stimulation of the main defense system.
5. Stimulation of wound healing and shock control by means of phytotherapeutic agents (Arnica, Calendula, Echinacea, Symphytum); formation of pus bonum et laudabile (good and commendable pus).
6. Analgesic: (Aconitum, Arnica, Chamomilla, Hamamelis, Hypericum)
7. Hemostasis: (Aconitum, Arnica, Hamamelis (venous), Hypericum, Millefolium (arterial),calcium sulphide and calcium polysulphide (rendering vessels impervious).
The principal effects of Traumeel
1. Regenerative: Arthrosis, fractures, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), styloiditis radii, tendovaginitis
2. Anti-exudative: Swelling of the soft tissues, traumatic, post-operative, commotio cerebri, arthrosis (with and without irritating discharge), effusions into a joint spontaneous, traumatic, post-operative; hematomas in the joints (traumatic hemarthrosis), hematomas in the soft tissues, tendovaginitis, bursitis praepatellaris,otitis media.
3. Anti-inflammatory: Bursitis praepatellaris, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), styloiditis radii, ten- dovaginitis, otitis media.
Based on the fairly high sulphide concentration in the tablets compared with the drops, the tablets are indicated mainly for inflammatory processes and for the regeneration of degenerated, damaged sulphide enzymes; the drops, on the other hand, are indicated especially for post traumatic conditions.
The dosage is adjusted according to the disease, the clinical picture and the stage of the illness.
Vials In general, 1 vial 1 to 3 times daily.;
Not for Injection- for Oral Administration ONLY
See Package Insert for Complete Instructions for Use